> I have purchased a domain name and then created a website through dreamweaver now what.?

I have purchased a domain name and then created a website through dreamweaver now what.?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
I don't know what to do to make this a webpage for other to see, some one help me.

In order to build a website you just need:

1. A domain name

2. Web Hosting (the place where your actual website files are hosted)

3. A way to build your website (either manually if you know HTML and CSS, by using software like Dreamweaver, by paying someone, by using a built in website builder from your web host).

You have a domain name and a website files created with dreamweaver, and now you need web hosting in order to have a website. So you have to purchase web hosting.

I recommend one of these: http://www.webhostingdiscounts.org/

iPage is currently on 75% sale!

Their hosting plan includes:

- Free domain name (.com, .net, .org)

- Unlimited storage and bandwidth

- Unlimited email addresses per domain name

You need to get a site hosting account, while it's possible to run a web site from your home computer and internet connection it is rarely done, rather you put your files on a dedicated file server connected to a high speed internet connection, the going rate for "unlimited" accounts allowing multiple domain names, ni limit file space and bandwidth is about $8/mo, other accounts are as cheap as $3/mo. There are a number of 'free' hosting services, typically with added advertising for them to earn revenue, commonly free hosts have paid upgrades.

Those allowing custom domain names will provide a nameServer address that you enter into your domain name registrar account.

You have a domain and designed your webpages.

Now you need webhosting where you can host your website pages so that they can be seen by any one all over the internet.

Buy webhosting from hostug.com for $12 for one year and point your domain to your hosting account. Then upload your websites, and that's it.

Owning a domain name - done

Designed site - done

Find someone to host your domain, a server like iinet, to store the info on.

Upload all info to the server- many options best to chat with whom ever you choose to host it.

Then be sure to test every link and option -

Then go to google and lodge it , make links in blogs and advertise either free or paid, tell people about it and get going

I don't know what to do to make this a webpage for other to see, some one help me.