> How to make free website?

How to make free website?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
I like Coffeecup free HTML Editor because it includes wizards and tools to make it easy to develop your website. They also offer free hosting with their S-Drive service. You don't have to mess with configuring FTP settings and all your files are referenced correctly. The software is a desktop program which means you are not locked with any online design service and have the freedom to use your website with any hosting provider.

You can make free website by Blogger. But domain name you have to buy.

You can make free website in blogger.

1. Google Sites

2. www.wix.com

u can visit the site webs.com it is a great hoster and thats for free u can create ur site for free and thats also professionally i have also created a site there www.autorocks.tk

if you want to register your domain fo to bigrock.in register the domain name. if you want the free services you can take weebly.com, webs.com u can create free website.