> Are men in Spain tall or short?

Are men in Spain tall or short?

Posted at: 2015-06-30 
My ideal man is Enrique Iglesias. Do men look like him over there?

Silly question, I am sorry, just curious,

Medium. Standing up.

I would say they are taller than people in other countries near by. Enrique is pretty tall (6'3"!)

But it was after the war that generations were not so malnourished. Thus making them healthier and taller. So you are most likely to see a younger taller man than a younger shorter man from Spanish decent


How tall is Enrique? He never seemed all that tall to me. He's not exactly typically Spanish, though, since he grew up in the US with an American diet.

People older than 50 definitely short. Young people nowadays tall, like in France or Italy, of course not as tall as in Holland or Sweden.

It also depends on the region: in the Basque Country, Aragon or Catalonia people tend to be taller than in Andalusia or Galicia, por exampole.

Yes. and some are in between.

Because of malnutrition during and after the war . some old people are very small

My Spanish electrician plays rugby and he only just fits in a doorway!

Young people are normal but old people are rather short!!

My ideal man is Enrique Iglesias. Do men look like him over there?

Silly question, I am sorry, just curious,