> Neighbors' smoke seeping through?

Neighbors' smoke seeping through?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
Confronting the neighbor is NOT your job. One tenant never has any right to tell another tenant what to do that is the manager's job. Tenants taking matters into their own hands just results in petty arguments & fights. We cannot take care of issues if we are not told about them.

You need to notify your manager & let them deal with it.

and no there is no really anything you can do with in your unit to block the smell. The ventilation system of most apartments are connected.

EDIT: an air filter might work not sure how well if its coming through the ventilation ducks though. If you have the money it is certainly worth a shot.

Is it legal where you are? If not phone the police. If it is legal then there must still be something you can do if it's causing a nuisance. No you can't block the smell, josticks help a bit but not much.

I wouldnt want to confront the neighbors.

I bought a HEPA air filter that works GREAT on all odors, removal of pollen & smoke. The filters are a little pricey but only need to be replaced every year. It is brand Bionaire and I think I got it at Target. Worth every penny.

Dude just go over to their house and be respectful about it. Just say "Hi, I'm sorry to bother you guys but I have a small problem that I could really use your help with. The problem is is that when you guys smoke, the smell comes into my house. I don't really mind you smoking and it's really not any of my business, but I just don't really want the smell of it in my house. I was just wondering if you could do it somewhere else, like on the other side of your house, so the smell won't come into mine." And they'll be like okay sure I'm sorry. You just have to be respectful and humble about it. (:

I live in a townhouse and it's like my neighbors smoke marijuana every.single.day. they're a couple and they have about 5 kids there. I can moderately smell it in my bedroom, and in my bathroom, and in another bathroom of my house it smells 10x stronger. It's a problem because I dont want my family and other guests to smell it.

What can I do? I dont really want to go to my neighbors about it because being that I just moved here I don't want any problems, and the people in this area are kinda unpredictable. So what can I do? and is there any way I can block the smell or something