> Will this business plan give me a lot of money?

Will this business plan give me a lot of money?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
All the answers I read were good, some better, but the final word should be : don't do it without proper planning and knowing all the detail that has to be addressed. It does not sound as if you have any experience and that will kill your venture. Be careful not to jump into the deep-end if you cannot swim.

Nevertheless, after all the negatives, something tells me that you have entrepreneurial spirit and that's why I would like to encourage you to carry on thinking and working hard investigating opportunities. Be very careful for 'fantastic' offers on the i/net - there are a lot of scamsters out there. Don't get despondent about business, it's always up and down - sometimes good plans also fail. Be positive and you'll find a niche one or another time. Keep walking....

I wouldn't spend that kind of money. You spend about $2,000 and see how much is the profit and go from there. When you start a business you have go slow to see what's sell the most. A friend of mine bought a lot shoes at $2.00 a pair, she took it herself to Guatemala and people refuse to pay even $2.00 for the pair of shoes. In any case she ended with nothing but trouble. The only thing that are selling in these days is food and water. As some one answered you have to pay shipping and maybe tax and remember how the expensive is the shipping. I hope you reconsider before you spending 10000. If you have friend from Pakistan ask them what is the product that sell the most in Pakistan. GOOD LUCK.

First, do you have enough funds to buy 10,000 pairs of Nike shoes? Did you find what the price is, and how much you can sell them for?

Second, i dont think Nike works that way. They either have exclusive distributors in different countries, or they sell directly to retailers.

There most be already established shoe distribution companies with the infrastructure warehouses, trucks and established connections to stores already in place who can do a better job with lower overhead.

Brand name companies Nike may have certain dealer authorization requirements preventing you from selling to just anyone.

Most of Nike products are manufactured in Asia so why buy from the USA?

You will have to pay tariffs on those shoes. Plus shipping costs. That won't be cheap.

I will buy 10000 pairs of nike shoes from the Nike corporate office in USA, then export them to Pakistan, I am very fluent in Urdu, them sell the shoes to Pakistani retail stores that sell shoes, should I do this, will it give me lots of money