> Hypnosis in Advertising?

Hypnosis in Advertising?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
Hyundai openly uses it in the Netherlands.

See http://hypnose.i30.nl/

If you're familiar with hypnosis, then you've no doubt heard of Master Hypnotist Steve G. Jones. His book, "Ultimate Conversational Hypnosis" has been voted as the best hypnosis course ever made. The book is also available in electronic format at: http://www.hypnosistocontrol.net

If you want to get an edge in everyday communication and lead other people towards your goals this is a must read.

I heard hypnosis was used back in the 1960th but it was banned by the FTC, also during the World War 2, it was used extensively for propaganda purposes. It was not very sophisticated but had a lot of influence at the time. Check out this page to see some old ads.


I'm not aware of hypnosis being explicitly used in advertising. In the UK hypnotic inductions may not be broadcast on TV.

There are many non hypnotic influencing techniques based on psychology that advertisers use.

www.kevinhogan.com may give you some pointers. He is an expert in influencing and (separately) hypnotherapy.

Hey I'm doing a research topic on Hypnosis and am looking into how it is used in advertising.

Does anyone know how it's done and any famous adverts that used it?

Was it used in the war (or at any other time) to make people do things they didn't realise or want to do?

Is it used for 'evil' in any way?

Is it true that hypnosis had something to do with the recent bombing in America?

Also does anyone know have any websites that would help?
