> Does the Memorial Day Weekend sale at aero count monday to?

Does the Memorial Day Weekend sale at aero count monday to?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
Memorial Day is actually on the last Monday of May, so it's tomorrow. I also cared about the sales this weekend and found that some online sales extend longer. Take this for example. It launches a Memorial Day promotional sale especially, which won't expire until May 31.

You can have a look at the sale.


Monday is memorial day, EVERY shop has a sale or reduced prices going on tommorow!!

Yes because Monday is memorial day

Yes. If it doesn't, that defeats the purpose of a sale. Plus, the clothing store is pretty cheap anyways.

I've been working all weekend for my parents so i could earn enough money to buy somethings from areo cuz theres a huge memeroial day weekend sale and i wanted to make sure it counted tommorow to (Monday/Memorial day).
