> Advertising help, 10 points best answer.?

Advertising help, 10 points best answer.?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
Advertising points

1.Media relations

2.Social Media Content

3.Photo chips

4.Soft drink

6.Brand building

Post the information/links of what you are advertising on the Facebook walls of pages all about the subject/category in question with the most followers/likes. Repeat this process daily. For example post concert ticket information on the ticket-master Facebook or Twitter page. Good luck!

This is very informative and help full advertising points.

Brand Building

Brand Marketing Communications

special event planning

media relations

Social Media Content

digital media services

press releases service

Unlike the un-helpers, I'm not afraid to help our host. Our product will be

Soft Drink.

Age Group: 0-25

Apple Crack soda is great cause it rots your head. See you thought I was going to say teeth, but I tricked ya. Apple Crack has no nutritional value so all we get from it are the sugar and chemicals, in other words, all-natural rocket fuel for our bodies.

Age Group: 80-100

Ah, the good old days. I remember playing tiddly-winks and drinking Apple Crack soda. Apple Crack soda was great cause it rots your head. See you thought I was going to say teeth, but I tricked ya. Apple Crack has no nutritional value so all we get from it are the sugar and chemicals, in other words, all-natural rocket fuel for our bodies.

It takes a lot more time, energy, and space; to write a good ad campaign, than there is in this forum. Catch phrases thought up in five seconds or less don't work any more. They are passe`. The best way to do this is to know your target audience and what they want. Do your research.

Chips packet with supercalafradualisticexpihalodotious flavor!

People get paid for copywriting you know.

Write advertisements for two different age groups for on of the following products:

Potato chips

New suit

March vacation

New computer

Fast food combo

Soft drink

Gym membership

Concert tickets