> Should I buy this house?

Should I buy this house?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
One piece of info you left out: do you have any debts besides this mortgage you're about to take out?

If not, then you're really close to being able to buy this.

$4,000 left in the bank would be a little thin, but $10,000 would be fine. You don't want to close on the house, get laid off next week, and be short of cash (it could happen, and that $10,000 would suddenly be real useful.)

Maybe some of the furniture can wait, or you can get it cheap at goodwill, then save up and buy better stuff later.

If you do have debt, pay it off first with the $30k you have saved, then rebuild the pile of cash.

Based on the information you provided, you should be able to easily make your loan payments and afford the house.

However, you did not mention whether you have any monthly debt payments. That would include credit card payments, installment loans, auto loan, student loans or court ordered payments. If your total monthly debt payments are over $600, then you might find it hard to qualify for your mortgage and/or find the monthly payments affordable.

I recommend that you shop around for a mortgage and compare offers based on their interest rate and fee structure.

Well genuinely you are in a good state to own a property, as your credit score is good enough to help you to get housing loan, but ensure to check the rate of interest before opting for any financial assistance.

Financially you are in a very good place to buy the house and it would definitely be a better move than wasting your money on rent another month. But you also need to be conscious of your lifestyle. I mean if you are likely to be in the same place for the next 5 year or more, buy the house, but if you are going to have to sell and move elsewhere 4 years from now, you might end up losing money.

The mortgage is a pretty good rate for a $2,3/400 a month salary, but it does leave you short for utilities & groceries.


At current job 4 years making $40k per year.

Current credit score is 750.

Have 30k in the bank.

Make $2,300 to $2,400 after tax per month.


House costs $95,000

Down payment 20% ($19,000)

Estimated closing costs ($3,500)

Mortgage would be close to $600 per month. (Includes PITI)

After appliances and furniture I'll have around $4,000 in the bank.