> Boyfriend and I are planning to move in together advice?

Boyfriend and I are planning to move in together advice?

Posted at: 2015-03-04 
This is NOT an all-bills paid apartment. You pay for your own electricity, and I bet that if you want cable, you pay for that too.

$40.00 per month for electricity seems a very low estimate. Call your local electric company to find out what the average electric bill for that size apartment is in your area. I bet it is a lot higher than $40.00.

Legally, you are roommates. If you split up (most young couples do) than you need to draw up an agreement on who owes for what, and who keeps what.

Moving in together is a big step. Maybe some couples counseling first wouldn't be a bad idea?

Your biggest concern should be what happens if the relationship goes south. Leases get tricky. Each of you is 100% responsible for paying 100% of the lease regardless of whether one of you moves out or not. If one moves out he/she usually stops paying and leaves the other to pay 100%. Both of you could end up with horrible credit and/or an eviction on your record.

But I know...you'll never break up. :-)

Because we all know 100% of relationships succeed. And we've never seen any questions on here like, "Broke up with bf, moved home with parents, he moved his new girlfriend into the apartment, my name is on lease, they aren't paying the rent, her cat pissed all over carpet and now I'm either supposed to pay their rent and replace carpet or I will get a legal eviction. Lease isn't up until December. What do I do?"

Nope, we've never heard of THOSE questions. :-)

P.S. If your question was about budget, you've left off quite a few things. Who will be paying your co-pays and co-insurance for medical expenses? How about dental care? Birthday gifts/holiday gifts/wedding gifts/shower gifts? Clothing/coats/shoes? Travel for weddings and funerals? Gas and car repairs? Entertainment? Netflix? Espresso? Restaurants? Having friends over for dinner? Haircuts? And what happens if one of you breaks a leg and can't work for two months? Do you have disability insurance? What if one of you loses your job? Do you have 3-6 months of living expenses in an emergency fund?

$40.00 a month for electric?? No way unless you live somewhere that you never need heat or air conditioning.

Deposit and furniture are one time expenses, not monthly expenses.

Staying in school while working on English and money management skills would be more beneficial to you than banging the sheets with the boyfriend. Where the heck are you going to school, anyway? Do they have a remedial English grammar class?

My daughter would get off my insurance if she moves in with a boyfriend. Want to be an adult? Go ahead. Good luck.

Attorney's fee 300-500 to draw up an agreement between two totally unrelated parties about what happens with your "stuff" once you split up. Oh please you do not know you will never split up and THAT is when the misery starts.

Suggestion go to the grocery store and mock shop for two, and gas is at 3.25 to 3.75 per gallon and you both have cars. Then add about 300 per month for pop up items.

Ok, so I just wanted other opinion before hand if this will work well at lease be manageable for the time being. We are wanting an all bills paid apartment and have found one so far that sees to fit our budget plans. He makes at least $1300 a month plus he does side jobs everyday to bring in extra money and I make around $1150 and I'm going to school. The apartment we looked at that we like is all bills paid here's what we'd be looking at on necessities:

Deposit: $250

Rent: $520

Rent Insurance: $9-$11

Electric: Around $40 a month usually is what it'll run was what the lady told me

Groceries: $80 a week

Cell Phones: $50 each($100)

Car Insurance: Both will stay on our parents for the time being

Toiletries: $40

Furniture: $800(used furniture)

These are just some of the things I know we will need and right now that's all we are worried about then focus on extras a little later on.